How to manage your dissertation writing process in a month

Writing a dissertation is a very time taking process and students sometimes take too long to finally finish their thesis. The main reason is that most of the students think of the dissertation as a night mare and never gather the courage to start writing. It is so hard for them to face the fact that whether today or a few months later it is only them who can write their thesis.

Topic selection

The most important factor for finishing a thesis on time is the research work involved and topic selection. If you make up your mind early and sit for a week and brainstorm the ideas you can easily finalize your topic in a week’s time. Once you have selected your topic the rest of the work becomes easier. However students who are hesitant to finally come to a topic will keep on delaying their thesis and will never be able to do it in a month.


If you really are short of time and want to end your thesis writing process in a month it is important that you have raw material on hand. If you have collected all the necessary information that you have to include in your thesis then your task will be quite easy. When you have researched your subject thoroughly and know the results already it then becomes comparatively easier to finish your dissertation in 30 days.

Make an outline

  • Making an outline gets half of your task done. An outline will include
  • The main key points you want to include in your work
  • The order of the paragraphs and arguments
  • The notes you make while researching through various books and content
  • The important ideas that you do not want to miss
  • The statistical analysis and findings of your collected information
  • The results you interpret from your data

Once you have your outline with you it is then merely a 15 days task to write and proofread your thesis. If you have missed your earlier time due to some reason you can utilize the remaining time by staying focused and active. You will have to dedicate al your time to writing in the last 15 days. Do not let yourself take a leave under any circumstances. Write on a regular basis and dedicate at least half of your day to writing your thesis.

To be on the safe side, consider paying for cheap dissertation help from professionals and get your paper done on time.