Popular Dissertation Topics Related To The Field Of Education

Due to the fact that educators need to continuously renew their certifications, advanced degree programs in the field of education. Most of those advanced degree programs require students to write thesis papers and dissertations. Students working on their education dissertations have so many topics to choose from because there are always controversial subjects that can be deeply researched and analyzed. These are a few possible dissertation topics for people writing education papers:

The role of charter schools

High stakes testing and student learning

How the Common Core is changing curriculum

Whether or not students with special needs should be mainstreamed

The role of ESL teachers in the classroom

Teaming and the benefits to students in the classroom

Reading in the classroom. How much and how often?

The role of inquiry in science labs

Long research papers or short research papers?

Technology in the classroom? One-to-one or classroom based?

How to use Project-Based Learning in the classroom

The role of athletics in public schools

The role of music education in public schools

Should physics be required for every high school student

When should children be expected to know how to read

Reading support at the high school level

How to prepare students for high stakes testing

Are best practices really the best?

Some Dissertations Require Classroom Action Research

Some research papers and dissertations need to have real classroom examples, so teachers need to be able to conduct research with their own students. If this is the case, then teachers need to be sure they choose a topic that is highly relevant to the subject and grade-level they teach. These types of dissertations are usually called “action-research plans;” these usually require both traditional research and classroom research. They can be serious learning experiences for teachers because they often require teachers to record themselves in class, so they become somewhat reflective, too.

Find a Meaningful Topic and Share it With the Educational Community

Regardless of the type of dissertation that you might have to write, it is always important to choose a topic that is meaningful to your classroom teaching. A strong topic that is well-researched can make significant changes to way that teachers perform in their classrooms. If you choose a topic and write a paper that you feel is significant, you could publish and share it with the educational community at large. Many teachers have become successful book writers because they have come up with new ways to successfully teach school-age children.
